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Timelessly Trendy Tuesdays: Where did Timelessly Trendy come from?

Where did Timelessly Trendy come from? Let me explain.
Timeless and trendy are kind of opposites, right? However, when I picture my style I think of those two words. When I imagine how I’ll dress twenty years from now, I want it to be timeless and trendy. I put the two together and bam, Timelessly Trendy was born. Here I am a few years down the road, and I still think it perfectly sums up my ideal style.

If you were following the blog last summer, you know how obsessed I am with a pair of gooseberry linen pants from Old Navy. I loved them! They were so effortlessly comfy and kept the bugs off my legs which is a major plus during these Tennessee summer nights. dsc_0073-1

^ Me, last year, wearing the best pants.

I stopped by Old Navy in March with my bestie and stumbled upon a navy and white striped pair. I fell so hard so fast for these linen pants, ya’ll. The best part was that they were on sale! With Easter dinner at my grandparents right around the corner, I knew they would be perfect for the occasion. Stretchy waistbands are a must with my mimmy’s holiday cooking.

fullsizeoutput_23acI’m kinda obsessed with the beach picture vibes, plus they’re so easy to throw on and go! Locals: you’ll probably catch me in these pants this summer. Maybe even two nights in a row. I’m not even sorry about it, they’re too comfy!

Actual pic of me skipping with joy because of these pants. Ok or maybe to entertain my bf who was looking a bit bored behind the camera. But it really could be because of these pants, people!


Thanks for hanging out and reading ya’ll! I told Jon today it felt so weird taking pictures again, but it felt so very familiar too. After a few pictures we really got back into the swing of things. I’m excited to share more with you in the weeks to come! Like really excited, like edited the pictures as soon as we finished taking them excited. SO thankful to have some time to get back to the things I love. Thank you for following along.


timelessly trendy

By timelesslytrendy

Marketing student, foodie, and fashion lover. Big fan of live music and romantic comedies.

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