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Feeling Twenty Two + Relaunch!

Today I am twenty-two years old. To quote Ms. Taylor Swift, “It’s miserable & magical.” Even though I know my twenty-second year will be filled with fun and joy, it is kind of hard for me to move on from twenty-one. 21 was filled with adventure and excitement – I spent my twenty-first birthday seeing Kacey Musgraves in concert (and then saw her again 3 days later), I stood by my sister’s side as she married the love of her life, I started interning, I went to Disney World, I graduated college, and I started my big girl job! It was a year full of celebration and it totally flew by.

I trust that twenty-two will have its own exciting adventures, but the adventures are still unknown! Thrilling and scary, but like in a good way, right? This year I am making taking care of myself a priority. I am working out, getting the rest I need, and giving myself more grace when I just need a break. I encourage my friends + fam to do the same, we could all use some extra grace and self-love. I also want to read more this year, like with a physical book and limited distractions. I used to love to read, but I stopped reading for pleasure when high school rolled around. I am hoping my love of reading is still hanging around! If you have a good book recommendation send it my way.

Last, but certainly not least, today is the relaunch of Timelessly Trendy! If you haven’t noticed by now, we’ve had a domain name change! is now! I am so excited (how many times can one blog post say the word excited?) about this refresher. The site is filled with pink and there will be new content reflecting this new stage of post-grad life I have entered in. It means so much to me that I have had so many of you along for the ride since I started Timelessly Trendy way back in summer 2015. To all the newer friends who have joined since, welcome aboard! I hope you stick around.

Here’s to 22, new adventures, and to all Timelessly Trendy has taught me. Let’s do this!


Peytyn Brynn

By timelesslytrendy

Marketing student, foodie, and fashion lover. Big fan of live music and romantic comedies.

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